Saturday, 13 April 2013

Knodium for collaboration

Knodium is a collaborative open platform allowing students and instructors to study together in groups based on courses, projects, or shared interests. Users can ask questions and share knowledge, resources, and information with each other to create a knowledge base for students.
To create or join a Hub first make sure you are authenticated in an e-resource in the portal.
Login to the portal with your computer ID and password
Select the My Learning page

In the Search the Library portlet select Online databases and academic journals

On the next page the e-resources are arranged alphabetically by title

Select a resource to log into e.g. Academic Search Premier.
Navigate to the search screen
You are now authenticated. Keep this tab in your browser open.
Open a new tab in your web browser, go to Knodium and select Login
Select Login Through Your Institution
Select University of Greenwich
You should be logged into Knodium without any further prompting.

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