Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Free Microsoft software via DreamSpark

Log into the University portal http://portal.gre.ac.uk/ with your University of Greenwich computer ID e.g. in format: za000 and password. Go to the Library & Computing tab and select the Databases, Journals and e-books link. On the next screen enter a resource from the list e.g. IEEEXplore IET Library so that you are authenticated.

Next steps:
1. Navigate to http://www.dreamspark.com/ in another window or tab
2. Sign in with your unverified Windows Live ID (create one if you haven't already at www.live.com/).
3. Click on "Get Verified" on the left.
4. Click on "Verify as a Student".
5. Click on "Get Verified through my school".
6. Select country "United Kingdom".
You can view your school "University of Greenwich" in the list. Log in with your University of Greenwich computer ID and password to complete the verification process.

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